Leather handbag with shoulder strap. The leather is pressed, this gives a unique look. The bag closes with a zipper and has a large compartment with zipper on the inside.
Leather handbag in combination with artificial leather handle. This bag has a nylon lining and has a zipper. This bag also comes with a removable and adjustable long shoulder strap.
Leather handbag in combination with artificial leather handle. This bag has a nylon lining and has a zipper. This bag also comes with a removable and adjustable long shoulder strap.
Leather weekend bag that is covered with a cowhide. The bag closes with a double rough zipper that can be opened completely on both sides. The handles and detachable shoulder strap are made of leather.
Leather shoulder bag with cowhide on the front. The back is made of leather, and there is also an extra pocket with zipper. The bag itself also closes with a zipper, and has a shoulder strap with chain and leather.
Leather handbag with a round bottom which gives the bag a playful effect. The bag closes with a zipper and has an extra pocket with zipper on the back.