Leather shoulderbag with multiple colors. The bag closes with a zipper and an adjustable bagstrap.
ATTENTION: every bag is unique and can have different colors from the bag.
Leather shoulder bag with zipper. At the front is an extra compartment with a magnetic closure. At the back is a loop where you can put your belt through.
Pretty leather bagpack and shoulderbag with a lot of space for your stuff. Also an extra compartment on the front and one extra on the back with a zipper closure.
Leather handtas with multicolor checked pattern. The bag closes with a zipper and adjustable and removable bagstrap.
ATTENTION: every bag is unique and can have different colors from the bag.
Leather handtas with multicolor checked pattern. The bag closes with a zipper and adjustable and removable bagstrap.
ATTENTION: every bag is unique and can have different colors from the bag.
Leather bagpack with multicolor checked pattern. The bag closes with a zipper and adjustable bagstrap.
ATTENTION: every bag is unique and can have different colors from the bag.
Leather shoulderbag with multicolor checked pattern. The bag closes with a zipper and removable bagstrap.
ATTENTION: every bag is unique and can have different colors from the bag.
Leather bowlingbag with multicolor and different prints . The bag closes with a zipper and removable and adjustable bagstrap.
ATTENTION: every bag is unique and can have different colors from the bag.
Hard leather shoulder bag that closes with a double zipper that can be opened all the way to the bottom. On one side there is an extra pocket with a zipper and the shoulder strap is removable.